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AJAX uses bdajax for AJAXification of it’s User Interface.

Detailed documentation about the features provided by bdajax can be found in it’s Documentation.

Related client and server side implementation details are described in the following sections.

Client Side

JavaScript Integration

To make custom JavaScript work properly in combination with bdajax, the plugin needs to provide a binder function which gets registered to bdajax.binders. The binder function is responsible for proper event bindings and gets called each time bdajax modifies the DOM tree with the modified part of the DOM tree as context.

A best practice JS stub for a plugin looks like so.

(function($) {

    $(document).ready(function() {
        // register binder function to bdajax. The register function takes
        // a function and a boolean flag whether to immediately execute
        // this function as arguments.
        bdajax.register(example.binder, true);

    // plugin namespace
    var example = {

        // plugin binder function. gets called on initial page load and
        // every time bdajax modifies the DOM tree.
        binder: function(context) {
            // event binding code goes here. context is the modified
            // part of the DOM tree if called by bdajax.


Using bdajax in Page Templates

When working with bdajax in page templates, the related XML namespace must be defined.

<tal:block xmlns:tal=""

  <!-- bdajax using markup goes here -->


Context Changed Event uses a custom JavaScript event named contextchanged to notify the UI about a changed traversal context.

If some action changes the application context it’s usually desired to render the entire layout on the new context. To achieve this, trigger contextchanged event to #layout DOM element. The target must contain the new traversal path without a trailing view name but including request parameters if desired.

<a href=""
  Trigger context change.

Server Side


bdajax related markup gets delivered by a tile with name bdajax and is included in main template.

AJAX Actions

bdajax expects a server side implemented JSON view for performing actions by name ajaxaction.

The implementation is located at It renders a tile registered by action name and returns a JSON reponse in the format expected by bdajax.

If an uncaught exception is thrown during action processing, the traceback is delivered to the client and gets displayed as error message.


bdajax supports AJAX continuation. This can be useful if data manipulating actions need to finish it’s job before anything can be re-rendered, or if user should get a message displayed after action processing just to name a few usecases.

AJAX continuation definitions are collected during request execution and translated via to the format expected by bdajax on the client side in the ajaxaction JSON view.

The Available continuation definitions are located in module and represented by the following classes:

  • AjaxPath: Set browser path. Accepted arguments

    • path: Browser path to be set.
    • target: Traversable target URL without trailing server view.
    • action: Name of action which should be performed.
    • event: Event to trigger.
    • overlay: Overlay to display.
    • overlay_css: Additional overlay CSS class.
  • AjaxAction: Execute action. Accepted arguments

    • target: Traversable target URL without trailing server view.
    • name: Action name.
    • mode: DOM modification mode. Either inner and replace.
    • selector: DOM modification selector.
  • AjaxEvent: Trigger event. Accepted arguments

    • target: Traversable target URL without trailing server view.
    • name: Event name.
    • selector: Selector of DOM elements on which to trigger the event
    • data: Optional data set on event.
  • AjaxMessage: Display message. Accepted arguments

    • payload: Message payload as text or markup.
    • flavor: XOR with selector. One out of message, info, warning or error.
    • selector: XOR with flavor. If given, render message to DOM element found by selector.
  • AjaxOverlay: Display or close overlay. Accepted arguments

    • selector: selector of overlay DOM element. Defaults to #ajax-overlay.
    • action: Name of action which should be displayed in overlay.
    • target: Traversable target URL without trailing server view.
    • close: Flag whether to close an open overlay.
    • content_selector: Optional overlay content selector. Defaults to .overlay_content.
    • css: Additional overlay CSS class.

AJAX continuation can be queued by passing continuation definition objects to, which expects the request and a single or a list of continuation definitions.

from import AjaxEvent
from import AjaxOverlay
from import ajax_continue
from cone.tile import Tile
from cone.tile import tile

@tile(name='exampleaction', permission='view')
class ExampleAction(Tile):

    def render(self):
        # close overlay
        overlay = AjaxOverlay(close=True)
        # trigger changed context to layout
        event = AjaxEvent(
            target=make_url(self.request, node=self.model),
        # queue continuation definitions
        ajax_continue(request, [overlay, event])
        return u''

A shortcut for continuation messages is located at

from import ajax_message

payload = '<div>Message</div>'
ajax_message(request, payload, flavor='message')


AJAX forms are automatically detected and computed properly as long as they are rendered via The default rendering location is the main content area of the page. If form target DOM element differs, re-rendering definitions must also change in order to hook the form at the right location.

The rendering target of a form can be changed with It expects request, selector and mode as arguments.

ajax_form_fiddle must be called somewhen during request processing. For unique form tiles the function can be called at prepare time, while for generic forms it might be worth providing a plumbing behavior hooking to the __call__ function.

from plumber import plumbing
from plumber import plumb
from plumber import Behavior
from import ajax_form_fiddle

class ExampleNonStandardFormLocation(Behavior):

    def __call__(_next, self, model, request):
        ajax_form_fiddle(request, '.some_selector', 'inner')
        return _next(self, model, request)

And then use this behavior for form tiles.

@tile('exampleform', interface=ExampleNode, permission='edit')
class ExampleForm(Form):