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Security uses the security mechanism of Pyramid for managing access to parts of the application.

Similar to Zope, security rules are implemented as a cascade of roles, where each role defines a set of permissions. A user or a group of users are then assigned to this roles.

As authentication policy pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy is used. passes the to the authentication policy which bridges roles to users and groups.

Authorization is implemented by Access Control Lists. As authorization policy pyramid.authorization.ACLAuthorizationPolicy is used. Security declaration on application model nodes is provided by the __acl__ property, which is expected by the authorization policy and described in the interface.

For retrieval of users, groups and the assigned roles, node.ext.ugm is used. See User and Group Management for details.

By default, unauthenticed access to all application model nodes is prohibited.


The permissions used by default in are:

  • view: Grants access to view an application model node.
  • list: Grants access to list the application model node children.
  • add: Grants access to add an application model node.
  • edit: Grants access to edit an application model node.
  • delete: Grants access to delete an application model node.
  • cut: Grants access to cut an application model node.
  • copy: Grants access to copy an application model node.
  • paste: Grants access to paste an application model node to a container.
  • manage_permissions: Grants access to grant access to application model nodes and it’s children.
  • change_state: Grants access to change workflow state of an application model node.
  • manage: Grants access to manage application settings.
  • login: Grants access to login to the application.


The roles which come out of the box with are:

  • authenticated: Every authenticated user. By default, permissions assigned to this role are view.
  • viewer: This role is supposed to grant users permissions needed to view addidional information the default authenticated role forbids. By default, permissions assigned to this role are authenticated role permissions and list.
  • editor: This role is supposed to grant users permissions needed to add and edit application model nodes. By default, permissions assigned to this role are viewer role permissions and add and edit.
  • admin: This role is supposed to grant users permissions to duplicate model nodes, change the workflow state or grant access to parts of the application model to other uses. By default, permissions assigned to this role are editor role permissions and delete, cut, copy, paste, manage_permissions and change_state.
  • manager: This role is supposed to grant users permissions to access and modify the application settings. By default, permissions assigned to this role are admin role permissions and manage.
  • owner: This is a special role which takes effect if an application model node provides This role is added to the related model node ACL if the current authenticated user is the creator of the model node. By default an owner gets the same permissions granted as the admin role.
  • everyone: Every visitor of the application, authenticated or not. By default the only permission granted to everyone is login.

Access Control Lists

The default permission sets for the roles described above are defined in

The plumbing behavior already provides the __acl__ property which always returns the DEFAULT_ACL if no ACL is registered for the this application model node.

If it’s desired to globally change the default permission sets for the whole application the DEFAULT_ACL must be overwritten.

ACLs can also be defined by overriding the __acl__ property of the application node.

from import BaseNode
from import Allow
from import Deny
from import Everyone

class ExampleNode(BaseNode):

    def __acl__(self):
        return [
            (Allow, 'role:manager', ['view', 'manage']),
            (Allow, Everyone, 'login'),
            (Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS)

ALC Registry

A less immersive way for providing ACLs for model nodes is to use the ACL registry. The plumbing behavior only returns the if no dedicated ALC for this node has been registered in the registry.

Registering a custom ACL for application root which grants view access to the application root model node for unauthenticated uses looks like so:

from import AppRoot
from import acl_registry
from import Allow
from import Deny
from import Everyone

# permission sets
authenticated_permissions = ['view']
viewer_permissions = authenticated_permissions + ['list']
editor_permissions = viewer_permissions + ['add', 'edit']
admin_permissions = editor_permissions + [
    'delete', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'change_state',
manager_permissions = admin_permissions + ['manage']
everyone_permissions = ['login', 'view']

# custom ACL
custom_acl = [
    (Allow, 'system.Authenticated', authenticated_permissions),
    (Allow, 'role:viewer', viewer_permissions),
    (Allow, 'role:editor', editor_permissions),
    (Allow, 'role:admin', admin_permissions),
    (Allow, 'role:manager',  manager_permissions),
    (Allow, Everyone, everyone_permissions),
    (Deny, Everyone, ALL_PERMISSIONS),

acl_registry.register(custom_acl, AppRoot) tries to find a registered ALC by self.__class__ and self.node_info_name, thus application nodes must be registered by both.

from import BaseNode
from import node_info

class ExampleNode(BaseNode):


Owner Support

As described in Roles section, a special role owner exists which provides dedicated permissions for the current authenticated user on application model nodes.

Owner support for application model nodes is implemented as plumbing behavior and must be enabled explicitly for every application model node by applying this behavior.

The behavior extends the model node by an owner attribute, hooks up to the __init__ function where self.owner gets set to the current authenticated user id, and extends the ACL by owner ACE for the current user by hooking up to the __acl__ property.

The owner attribute maps to self.attrs['owner'] and must be overwritten if owner persistence happens elsewhere.

from import BaseNode
from import OwnerSupport
from plumber import plumbing

class ExampleNodeWithOwnerSupport(BaseNode):

Principal ACL

In many applications it’s required to grant access for specific parts of the application model to specific users and groups. ships with a plumbing behavior providing principal related roles.

The behavior extends the model node by the role_inheritance property, which is used to define whether principal related ACL should be inherited from parent nodes and defaults to False.

Further the behavior hooks up to the __acl__ property where default model node ACL gets extended by the principal related ACL.

The property principal_roles is a dict like mapping where keys represent the principal id and values are a list of principal related roles. Since by nature we know nothing about concrete persistence implementation it’s up to the integration providing this property properly.

The PrincipalACL relates to the sharing tile, which provides a user interface for managing principal related permissions. The vocabulary defining the available roles shown up in the sharing tile are defined at

A concrete shareable node looks like.

from import BaseNode
from import PrincipalACL
from plumber import plumbing

class ExampleNodeWithPrincipalACL(BaseNode):
    role_inheritance = True

    def principal_roles(self):
        # this must be a persistent mapping between principal id and
        # list of roles
        return dict()

User and Group Management provides User and Group Management via the contract described in node.ext.ugm.interfaces.

Configuration is done via application config file. The default file based implementation for example gets configured as follows in app section of the ini file.

ugm.backend = file
ugm.users_file = /path/to/users
ugm.groups_file = /path/to/groups
ugm.roles_file = /path/to/roles
ugm.datadir = /path/to/userdata displays user and group names at several places. The attribute to use as display names can be configured and defaults to fullname```for users and ``groupname for groups.

ugm.user_display_attr = fullname
ugm.group_display_attr = groupname

To provide your own UGM implementation, a must be implemented and registered.

from import ugm_backend
from import UGMFactory
from node.ext.ugm import Ugm

class MyUGM(Ugm):
    """My UGM implementation.

    Lots of implementation details goes here. See
    ``node.ext.ugm.interfaces`` for details.

class MyUGMFactory(UGMFactory):
    """Custom UGM factory.

    It gets registered via ``ugm_backend`` decorator by name.

    def __init__(self, settings):
        """Initialize the factory.

        Passed ``settings`` contains the application settings from the ini
        file. Thus we are free to define and expect any settings we want.

        On factory initialization, we simply read settings of interest from
        ``settings`` dict and remember them.
        self.setting_a = settings.get('myugm.setting_a', '')
        self.setting_b = settings.get('myugm.setting_b', '')

    def __call__(self):
        """Create the UGM instance.
        return MyUGM(

In order to use our UGM implementation, configure it in the application config file.

ugm.backend = myugm
myugm.setting_a = a
myugm.setting_b = b

Custom Authenticator

For authentication against a remote provider, is used.

An implementation gets registered as named utility.

from import main_hook
from import IAuthenticator
from zope.interface import implementer

class MyAuthenticator(object):

    def authenticate(self, login, password):
        # custom authentication goes here
        # return id for login if authentication is successful, else None
        return login

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    # register custom authenticator as named utility.

The utility name must be defined in application ini file.

cone.authenticator = 'my_authenticator'

If a UGM implementation is configured, it gets used as fallback for authentication.