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As explained in the Getting Started documentation, applications are organized by Plugins, shipping with related application Models, Tiles and Resources. provides a set of hooks for plugins to extend and customize the application which are explained in the following sections.


For each plugin registered in the Application Configuration .ini file, a configure.zcml file can be provided containing ZCML directives, e.g.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<configure xmlns="">

  <!-- directives go here -->


ZCML Configuration of plugins are loaded after basics are initialized properly at application creation time.

For more Information about ZCML take a look at the ZCML Documentation and the Pyramid ZCML Integration

Plugin Main Hook

Plugin initialization code goes into the main hook function.

The main hook function of all plugins is executed after all ZCML files are loaded. This happens in defined plugin registration order in application .ini file.

The hook gets passed the pyramid.config.Configurator object and the global_config and local_config dictionaries.

Configuration .ini file settings are contained in local_config. Thus plugin related custom settings can be added to the application .ini file and read inside the main hook.

Following tasks shall be implemented in the main hook function:

  • Register application model entry nodes.
  • Register application settings nodes.
  • Register static resources.
  • Register translations.
  • Working with the Pyramid configurator object.

The main hook function is normally implemented and registered in the plugin package module.

from import main_hook

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    """Initialization code goes here.

Static Resources

A plugin may provide resources like JavaScipt and CSS files, images, and so forth. Such resources are located in a seperate folder, which gets provided as pyramid static resource.

from pyramid.static import static_view

static_resources = static_view('static', use_subpath=True)

The static view gets registered in the plugin main hook.

from import main_hook
from cone.example.browser import static_resources

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):

    # static resources
    config.add_view(static_resources, name='example-static')

This configuration makes the resources available to the browser by URL, but no CSS or JS files are delivered yet on page load. CSS and JS files can be published for authenticated users only or for all users.

Resource registries are simple lists on the global application config object Resources can be delivered either as is, or merged with other resources in one file.

For delivering resources as is, register them in respective

Resources which can be merged to one file are registered in respective

To register the resources for all users of the site, authenticated or not, add them to the public resources list, e.g. If resources should only be delivered for authenticated users, add them to the protected list, e.g.


If you need to depend on resources delivered by another plugin make sure to register the resources inside the main hook function and that the plugin containing the dependencies are placed before your plugin is loaded at cone.plugins in the ini configuration.

If you provide a plugin which is desired to be used as dependency for other plugins this also applies.

from import main_hook

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    # public CSS'example-static/public.css')

    # protected CSS'example-static/protected.css')

    # public JavaScript'example-static/public.js')

    # protected javaScript'example-static/protected.js')

Application Model

Plugin root node factories are registered to the application via inside the main hook function.

from import main_hook
from import register_entry
import cone.example.model import ExamplePlugin

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    # register plugin entry node
    register_entry('example', ExamplePlugin)

This makes the plugin model available to the browser via traversal.

Application Settings

Plugin Settings are realized as well as application nodes. They are located at app_root['settings'] and can be registered to the application via

from import main_hook
from import register_config
from import BaseNode

class ExampleSettings(BaseNode):
    """Plugin settings are provided by this node.

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    register_config('example', ExampleSettings)