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Translations uses the .po (portable object) and .pot (portable object template) extensions as translation files, which use the GNU gettext format.

For managing translations, lingua is used to create translations for different languages, extracting translation strings from source code, and to compile message catalogs.

When working with YAFOWIL forms in YAML format, you also need to install yafowil.lingua additionally to lingua in order to get translations extracted properly from the .yaml files.


Install lingua either globally in your system python or to the virtual environment the application is installed.

sudo pip install lingua
sudo pip install babel
sudo pip install chameleon
sudo pip install yafowil.lingua

Helper Script

Lingua provides a helper script which can be used for managing translations.

Copy the script to the plugin package directory and adopt the settings parameters in the script.

# Usage:
#     Initial catalog creation (lang is the language identifier):
#         ./ lang
#     Updating translation and compile catalog:
#         ./

# configuration
# end configuration

# ...

Adding Translation Languages

For adding a new translation language, call with the desired language code.

./ de

Extracting and Compilation

For extracting translations and compiling the message catalog call the script without arguments. It will extract translation strings from code followed from compiling message catalogs for all languages.


Including Translations

To tell about the translations contained in the plugin, they must be registered inside the Plugin main hook function.

def example_main_hook(config, global_config, local_config):
    # add translation

Providing Translation Strings


Defining translation strings in python. A translation string factory must be instanciated with the correct i18n domain which is used for creating translation strings.

from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory

_ = TranslationStringFactory('cone.example')

translation_string = _(
    default='Example Translation String'

Page Templates

Defining translation strings in page templates. The i18n namespace and the correct i18n:domain must be defined.

<tal:block xmlns:tal=""

  <span i18n:translate="example_translation_string">
    Example Translation String


YAML Forms

Defining translation strings in YAML forms.

factory: form
name: exampleform
- title:
    factory: field:label:text
    value: expr:context.model.attrs['title']
        label: i18n:title_label:Title

In order to make translations work in YAML forms, the correct translation string factory must be provided on the form tile.

from import Form
from import YAMLForm
from plumber import plumbing
from pyramid.i18n import TranslationStringFactory

_ = TranslationStringFactory('cone.example')

class ExampleForm(Form):
    form_name = 'exampleform'
    form_template = 'cone.example.browser:forms/example.yaml'

    def message_factory(self):
        return _


Defining translation strings in ZCML files actually works the same way as for XML files and page templates. However, lingua ships with a ZCML extractor which works slightly different to what one would expect, and this extractor is set as default extractor for .zcml file endings.

So when working with ZCML files containing translation strings it’s recommended to use the XML extractor instead of the default extractor. Therefor we create a lingua.cfg file next to the script.

.zcml = xml

In the script we need to change the pot-create command to use this config file.

pot-create "$SEARCH_PATH" -c lingua.cfg -o "$LOCALES_PATH"/$DOMAIN.pot